Free write, reflect on what you’ve learned this semester

During my time in English 1302 I learned two main thing including: rhetoric and the importance of consistency. Because we had to address rhetoric every week, in our blog, I began to look for it through the week and noticed it in almost every situation. This allowed me to create a new perspective while also taking something I learned in class directly outside of the classroom.

Another important thing I learned this semester is consistency is key to success in a class, job, and throughout life. Because I tried my best to be consistent to my class work, and also my job this led me to struggle during the class but in the end everything worked out perfectly. While transitioning out of high school into college I am beginning to truly learn how to handle classes and a demanding job. Hard work and consistency throughout the semester at school and work taught me it can be done.

English 1302 has allowed me to get a small understanding of how college is about to be as I leave high school. Even though I learned a lot more than rhetoric and the importance of consistency during the semester, those two things are what I will take with me throughout my life.

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