How is rhetoric in a proposal different or similar to that in a paper?

Everything depends on your target audience. Even though we did not discuss this during our class time I know from earlier this year that audience is everything. Throughout the year we took time to determine our audience before a paper or assignment allowing everyone to understand the importance. Therefor how is rhetoric in a proposal different or similar to a paper? simple. In a proposal, weather to a company, plans, or even a literal proposal for marriage, the audience all understands the situation so that less persuasion is used. Yet in an academic, or any paper more background information and overall explanation is necessary to convince your audience of what you are trying to convey. From proposals to papers, the amount of rhetoric depends on the situation yet all good pieces still contain some.

Saturday night, after working sixteen hours that day, my manager asked me to stay after closing and help take everything touching the ground out of the kitchen so that the floors could be fixed on Sunday. Even though I was tired and in pain from the long shift I agreed to stay and help simply because I was on overtime from the long week. In the beginning of the process we my manager told everyone to clock out, so that we would not be paid for the work because we “choose to help.” Yet with a little persuasion and determination I convinced him to let us stay clocked in and therefore got paid.

Looking back throughout the weeks, I began notice myself looking for rhetoric in my day to day life. Even though we did not talk about this in class, during our study hall the class next door had the show they were watching too loud. Therefore Mrs. Waits decided to call the teacher and ask him to turn the show down. Because she did not make her self the victim, but instead acknowledged it was someone else’s fault allowed room for them to unite and come to a solution together. With those results I would have done the same thing.

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